5 Reasons Why Life Gets Better

  1. Your guardian angel is watching over you 
  2. You will meet new people to show you guidance 
  3. Life never stays the same
  4. There is a lesson that needs to be learned before you can succeed 
  5. Your subconscious mind is solving your problems without you realizing it

3 Reason He’s The Wrong Boyfriend

If you ever wonder why relationship does not work, it is because your dating the wrong guy. Yes, you need redemption. 

1) He is certainly the wrong boyfriend if he can't put the time or the effort for you. Everyone needs alone time but if they can't spend the time with you on your birthday or special day because he need to hangout with he’s friends, than you caught yourself a jerk. Throw him away!

2) He is not the one  for you if he can't keep promises. Promise is an oath and if he can’t keep an oath than he is a liar. Like stop promising things if you can't keep it. Find a guy who is willing to travel from Chicago to New York just to see you for an hour

3) He is a douche bag, if everything is about him. Do you do everything for him? Do you follow his schedule and often let him decide when to hangout? I understand if he has job but always  following his scheduling and always being late to the date is simply a no no.

Revenge on Jerk Boyfriend

People will probably tell you to breakup with your boyfriend if he cheats on you....My advice is don't breakup with him. Get even or an Evan...Chris Evan 
                                           Revenge is best dish served cold... 
  1. If he cheats on you or hurts you, you should forgive him. 
  2. Find some guy to cheat on your boyfriend with
  3. You take pictures with you and your new guy. Publicly post it on social media
  4. You make out all your boyfriend's best friends 
  5. You get fit and look your best
  6. Make him broke 
  7. Take all his dignity away and tell everyone bad things about his man dingo
  8. Hit on guys in front of him and deny that you were flirting 
  9. Tell people that he isn't you boyfriend 
  10. Remind him that he cheated on you first
  11. Final step...move on 

Disclaimer: never take my post literally 

10 Signs He is the Wrong Guy

  1. He judges you on your clothes on what you wear
  2. He make you feel bad and low about yourself
  3. He says hurtful stuff and blames you for the problems
  4. He looks at other girls when you around. Which mean he probably cheat on you if he had the opportunity
  5. He is never there when you are sad or when you have problems
  6. He always want sex and never do fun things
  7. He can makeup excuses to hangout with his friends but he cant hangout with you in certain time
  8. He doesn't listen to you when you talk
  9. He doesn't call you or text you 
  10. He wants to check your phone 

Summary-"Three Songs about Lynching" by Langston Hughes

This is a song about slavery and african american people having sexual interaction with the white people. Langston states how the white people lie to protect the white women and that the blacks were hung or killed because of sexual interaction. They would blame the black man for raping the women which langston states that it's not true. He gives the description of how the white folks dance around the hanging body of a black man as a celebration.  The song shows the anger and inhuman  the white people are. The hatred and prejudice people act towards the black people. He explains how much ever the black men pleaded that they have not swoon the white women, there was no equality.

Summary- "Battle Royal" By Ralph Ellison

"Battle Royal"-You have to remember that Battle royal is not the title of the book. Its part of a chapter, the book is called Invisible Man. This chapter shows that an african American Narrator who in his point of view sees himself as being praised and chanted by the white folks but the real reason is that he is actually getting mocked by the white folks while he was giving a speech. He had to discover on his own that he was an invisible man and that he was nobody. Be aware that the setting is in 1952. Which means that the slavery had ended but there was still racial segregation going on. Even though he was humiliated by the white people he would not care, he would make speeches and he would listen to what the white folks tells  him to do because he wanted their respect and he wanted to fit in. In the beginning when the grandfather was about to past away he tell the narrator to don't be a traitor to your own people because that is what the grandfather did. Which means that the grandfather use to do what the white folks would tell him to do. "battle royal" is just a fight where they blind fold a black men and has to fight in the boxing ring with each other. The narrator participate in that event because he wanted to earn respect from the white people. He was degrading himself and he was ashamed to be black. Even when the white people were mocking him he would see it as earning respect from them. He didn't stand up for his own people.They would receive coins for the fight and they were put under the rug which was electric and it would shock them when they try to get the coin. At the end the narrator gets a briefcase which he got a scholarship to go to state college for black youth

Get Over Breakups

Breakups are always hard but there is always a reason why it ends. Maybe there is a better things out there waiting to happen
After breaking up you should always

  • Commit yourself to always grow and never look back
  • Learn the negative side about you and work on it
  • Go to the gym and eat healthy, you feel better about yourself inside and out
  • Give time for yourself but avoid trying to be alone, it will just make you think about the breakup
  • Understand why you broke up and accept it for the better
  • Talk to someone about what you feel. Its always better letting out.
  • Do things that makes you happy and better about yourself 

The New Industrial Migrants

         In the article "The New Industrial Migrants (part 1)" by Eric Schlosser, Eric stated that industrial owners hire immigrants to increase the growth profit of their business. The meatpacking jobs were usually given to the middle class American but now the jobs are mosty worked by none speaking immigrants. Eric explains how a company like Greeley are mostly immigrants. Adren Walker, the head of labor relation uses a technique where he hire new employee all the time. He states that since insurance are very high he tries to hire new employee because the insurance are not provided to the new employees.
        In the article " The New Industrial Migrants (part 2)" by Eric Schlosser, Eric explains that company begin to recognize the lower wage immigrants. Many of the poor workers are driven from places to places to work for low amount of money. Most of the ads that are put up for jobs in the US are broadcast in Mexico because the low cost of labor workers. The immigrants are not given health insurance, or vacations instead the worker with no money were put at a homeless shelter
      Works that are given to the middle class Americans are now given to poor immigrantes. The reason for many owners to hire immigrants is because the immigrants get paid low for many hours of work and also because they health insurance are not given to them. Many of the owners tricks immigrants workers and sent to homeless shelter. Many illegal immigrants are brought to US to work for a very low amount of money. This jobs makes immigrants not have choice but to work because of the poverty. The owners of the company using techniques into paying as lower as possible to their workers. Owners like Arden walker has a time limit for each worker than he can hire new workers so he doesnt have to pay employee insurances.

Idea of improving My Performance in CATW

Ways of Improving on annotation
-Underlining main ideas and key words
-Underline topic sentence and idea
-Ask question
-Underline words you dont know

Improving on Reading Response
-Write topic idea to organize paragraph
-Use examples and details to explain your point
-Annotate key words and phrases

Organizing your CATW
-write your outline to have an organized essay
-use topic sentence in each paragraph
-After the topic sentence use details and examples to support your first statement
-Find the thesis before writing
-use tranisitions to show the order of the idea  (next, after, later ,etc)

After evaluting other people's essay, i have learned that giving more details to the example you use in the essay would make the essay more better. The MUST do in the essay is to know what the author's main point in in the story. I learned that after your done with the essay you wrote to reread it because you start to catch on the mistakes you made and the grammars. I should also understand the significant idea of the story. After getting the feed back from Courtney, i understand that i have to write a personal experience which i left out in my essay. I also have to use key points only to summarize the article.

How To Do One Thing At A Time

             In the passage "How to do one thing at a Time" by Nancy Jones, Nancy explains that in this century and generation multi-tasking are frequently used. She states that even though people know that talking or texting while driving are dub, people still do it. Clifford Nass showed evidence that people are allow to perform better when they are focused on one task because they are concentrated on one thing.
            As children get older, they become more aware of their surrounding and start adapting to multi-tasking. Many kids and adults watch t.v. while doing their work. People dont realize that they are not focused. Many people while doing their work the end up going to search engine, facebook, myspace, chatting and etc. peopl dont know that they can work better with focusing only on one task.
           The author states that people dont see this as harmful. everyone is guilty of multi-tasking such as walking while texting or talking while doing homework. Stanford University did and experiment and as a result the single taskers did better than multi-tasker because the fact that they were concentrated on one task. People become so used to multi-tasking that chatting, texting, talking or going to internet becomes a habit and making it their priority. We adapt to multi-tasking and are so used to it.
         I agree with nancy Jones because everytime I do essay or any assignnment, I go to internet or text my friends. I dont focus on the task that i have to do because I become more interest on talking to my friends and write quickto finish. People doesnt realize that it is an habit but it is done so often. People dont focus on what the have to do that at the end they begin to do whatever they feel like it.
       "Talking on the phone while driving? Dumb idea. Texting while driving? Really dumb idea." The author uses this to state that people are so use to multi-tasking that they put their life on jeporady by holding off what they are doing and just start doing unimportant things. We focus on things that are not important and put aside what is really important.

"In Defense of Food"

          "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan, Michael gives advice on how to eat better and healthier.  As now, in the society new foods are created without realizing that some ingredients used in the products should not be served to people. Many artificial food products can leads to obesity or serious healthy issue.When it comes to eating healthy or unhealthy food such as twinkie, the author argues that many of the food that people consume are more likely unhealthy. He uses tips such as not going to dinner alone, checking the product labels or consuming food slowly inorder to be or get healthy.
         The author points out specific product like Kelloges which states that it is healthy but people claim to have heart attack or margarine using this products . In this centuary people use different ways of staying health for instant eating healthy or exercising. In Michael's defense he uses techniques to eating less and making better choice.

"Let them Eat Fat"

        In " Let them Eat Fat," Critser explains how fast food nation and restaurants are more aggressive on getting customers by targeting poor communites. Critser uses fast food such as mcdonald, located in Pasadena, California of how kids and adults are drawn into ordering supersize meal because of the low cost and free soda refills. Critser also describes how many people in U.S are eating more than half of daily caloric consumption causing them to have low energy and less activity.
       The criticism of fast food and restaurant was never and issue until the number of obesity increased. The fast food and restaurant don't encourage kids and adults to eat healthy but instead uses ads to lure people into buying more and saving more. Low middle class area like Pasadena are used as targets to buy supersize meal for a low cost. This becomes more risk to the health of the people.
       "...The fact that the easy availabilty of such huge meals arrives in the same years in which physical activity among teenage boys and girls drops by about half." This states that when supersize meal has been an opition to the kids they begin to have lack of exercise causing many kids into becoming drawn into mcdonalds or other fast food due to the low cost and large amount of food. People eat more of fat and carbohydrate because of large caloric intake and unhealthy fatty food.
       I agree with the author about the large amount of food like supersize should not be an opition to peopke because of the health risk. People will become sick by over eating unhealthy food. The low class community should be served with more healthy food. Fast food and restaurant should not target poor by giving the unhealthy food. The fast food should use more healthy variety food and low cost to give choice to communities like Pasadena.

"Where the whale be at.."

"Where the whale be at?:The Place of Race racism in the Discussion of Environmentalism" is written by Terry who realized the real issue of environment of racism when one of his colored student ask what environmentalism has to do with them. Terry explains that colored people should care about the environment due to the high rate of poverty. Colored people are more likely to be in a toxic places than white because of the high cost of rent. The bad environment cause various diseases and health risk to many colored people.

Artificial Hormones

        Milks can be used to make cheese, cream, butter and ice cream for buyers all over the world. With the modern technology today, the production of milk are able to expand but the products are not produce in a wide space farm with grass. It is produce in an dairy industry where cow are feed artificial hormones which makes the cow grow faster. This becomes unhealthy because it forces the cow to produce the milk.

"The Meatrix and The Meatrix Revolting"

             The Meatrix show the problem in our society of how the products we use are not really from the farm. Products such as eggs, milks, meats and other products from animal are produce in factories. To keep the animals in the farm healthy they should be fed with grass, corn, soy or other plants but the animals are not fed with those food. The animals are fed with other death animals, blood, manure, other animal waste, plastics, antibiotics or unhealthy amounts of grain. This affect us because it can make us sick and cause unknown dieseases.
        The Meatrix Revolting shows how they are coming up with new ways to make the products safely by creating organic products. Antibiotic is an immune that helps the humans body fight bacteria or virus. Anitbiotic is used on animals which makes them grow faster and put more weight on the animals which increasees profit. Cows are injected with artificial hormones, fed large amount of grains and left in an artificial sunlight to produce large amount of milk. Mad cow diseases is an illiness that affect cow's nervouse system, causing the cows to at strangely and lose control .If a person eats mad cow disease beef, the person is at a higher risk for getting a human form of the disease called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
       The Meatrix II 1/2 explains ways to get involve and help stop the spread of unhealthy food products. The main goals of the industrial farm is to make more profit without caring about the hazardous working conditions. The manure of the death animals usually falls on the meat that will be packaged. Many family farm business are forced out of business causing to create more unhealthy farms. Ways to help the family farm is to donate to farm aid or purchase food directly from the local family farmer at farmers market.

"The Cyborg Advantage"

    In "The Cyborg Advantage" by Clive Thompson states that machines can perform lightning faster than human but how do we know wge to stop depending on it. When it comes to calculating himan cannot win towards computer fact that the computer has fast performance. Garry Kasparov, a grand master champion of chess lost to the computer. They created an online chess where the supercomputer assist the humans on chess. when there was an online tournament the winner wre not the grandmastersd or the super computer, it was on the average person. The reason that is the person knew when to listen to the computer for advice and when to ignore it.
     In the society we live in, internet are something people use in their daily bases. It can go from finding information to social networking. This becomes a debate for the people that loves modern to people that technically does not agree with it. People rely on computer to give information on everything around us and how people use their sources depends on themselves. The usage of the machines are increasing throughout the generation and humans use it more often than they suppose too. Everything they dosometimes based on the computer.
     Depending on the internet to provide us information are increasing. I was in my friends house to help her study for her math but we decided to do her questions from the passages. She instantly went to google and typed up the question she had. She copy down what she needed but end up not learning anything. Not only did she fail the test she could not understand what the passage she read was about. when it comes to getting information and relying on the computer that moment can change later on. Even though she did the homework quick she didnt gain any knowledge of what she suppose to do.
     In times where people have never heard of e-commerace shopped in a department store and waited on line but now shopping has grown throughout the internet and making it easy. Now people socilize more on the computer than person to person. People depend on using computer in a new way. How do people know whe to stop relying so much on the computer? "..a weak human with a machine can be better than a stron human with a machine if the weak human has better process." It states that an average person is mostly to use the computer more. People rely on computer without realizing that it could be a false statement because thinking that machines are smarter than humans.
    Humans only know when to stop relying so much on the computer. It could be from their personal experience or it could be from not interacting with people. Computer does cause so much controversy within different society. It has grown and maybe even become habit of using it more often. All the work or things we do are mostly based on the computer but people are the only one that can tell themselves when to rely on it.

Modern Artifical

Now in our modern days almost everything is artificials from foods to places such as beaches. One of the artificial beach that was created was in Japan which was called Ocean Dome. Everything is artificial such as the palm trees, sands, tides and sounds. Many people go to see this artifical place and feel that it is better than the mother nature creation because they can get rid of anything the dont want like sharks, jelly fish, or change the weather. This artificial beach could be used all season without changing the weather. With the beach that we normally go to are used only throughout the summer. The reason to choosing this picture is to demonstrate the artificiality of human nature and its not only in parks but also almost everything is artificial.

Diet Pill

        When it come to losing weight many people turn to diet pills to help them lose weight. This days in our society being fit are the things we strive for. we use different techniques into lose weight such as detoxic diet, exercising or eating right but the time and effort we have to put into being fit is difficult. Diet pills become the easiest to use because it doesnt take time or dont need to go to the gym to exercise. Reason why i choose this picture is to show that people in the usa has the highest rate of obesity but sees pill as the easiest way to get fit.


Life Artifacts

     Tv impacts people lifes both physically and mentally. This seperates use from what we see outside the television. Television programs are always coming up with new way to lure people into watching their show. Whether the stunt on the movie or watching something demeaning are fake, childern catch on to those actions. Some childern see characters as their role model and uses that to become something bad or something that is great. Some people are obeist because the fact that they either tend to watch tv more often that going outside to get exercise. Tv does affect the life of people being that they dont get enough exercise or socialize with other people. This stops people from getting things done such as homework, chores, or work.

      Tabloids are seen everywhere around and uses that to show our society what is great and how people are suppose to look. This brings people into thinking that what they have is not great. Tabloid can affect people in many ways such as health, clothing and lifestyle. People use dangerous diets in order to feel better about themself. Some uses as their goal while other it can harm their health. Many people buy things that we normally don't need inorder to feel like they fit in. Sometimes it does not define who we are as a person. Tabloids uses conflicts in our society to characterize what we need to know about lifestyle.
Social Networking
     Social networking is being used constantly and has people using it everywhere to get in touch with each other. Whether it is for people that normally see each other or people are in another part of the world , this separate us from physical interacting. People had either got out of jail from proving not guilty by social networking or had end in tragic by cyber bullying. People constantly go on websites to update what they do on their daily bases.  Social networking are used to contact people all over the world and making this the easiest way to socialize with others. Such as Rodney Bradford who was proven not guilty when they found out that the same time the crime was committed was the same time Bradford has updated his statues on facebook or Tyler Clementi who had committed suicide after his roommate had secretly video him and twit about Clementi's sexuality. Social networking differs people from physical interacting because people are more caution when they interact physically.

I am a Cyborg

        Cyborg is defined as someone who constantly rely on machinery to help with in any needs. Cyborg has to do any thing with computer usage such as internet, cell phone, television, metro cards and etc. Cyborg, now is the most popular usage in our everyday modern society. Homework or finding information are usually dealt with computer. People are using social networking more than actually having conversation with a person. This just depends on people’s choice when to rely on it. People like me use cyborg more othan usual usual.
         Whether it is taking a bus to visit relative or finding information on a topic, computer is one thing that is used frequently. This becomes my routine. Daily bases I would recieve an assignment on finding information. When going to the library is difficult, the internet is convenient to my schedule. Not everyone thinks about the usage and the benefit to finding information in the books but it gain more knowledge. We use search engine to type up the question and we would easily find the answer, this brings us to a reason why we like using computer constantly and the work time is quicker.Metro card are day by day method either it is used by getting to school or visiting someone.

Brainstorming and Techonology

Tool, Techonology, cyborg in my terms are internet.
Tool -A device or process that is used to do some kind of work
Techonology-the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, and crafts, or is systems or methods of organization, or is a material product
Cybrog - a computer who act as a human.
Tool - Machine or weapon
Cybrog-biconical person or mechanical person.
They each have are used in the computer.

2)cell phone, metro card, credit card. I used it everyday. To call, get home or buy food. Without the things I use daily i probably wont get to places or get to contact anyone.

Allegory Of The Cave Draft

In “Allegory of the Cave,” Plato's explains what is in front of the people is the only truth they know. Plato tells a story of how the prisoners in the cave were chained, facing a blank wall and the only thing they could see are the shadows cast by an objects behind the prisoners. The Prisoners would play games and guess what the shadows are. Plato asks what happens if one of the prisoners were set free. He assumed that the freed prisoner would be amazed and overwhelmed because the freed prisoner was living a lie and finally sees the truth. Plato also assumes that the prisoner will go back in the cave to tell the other prisoners of what the shadow really are and it is beyond of there expectation. The prisoner would not want to believe him because of the things they have not seen and he would be put into exile.
The author uses the prisoners as a symbolism of the human in our society. He explains how in nature, humans were not taught beyond the knowledge because of the narrow minded . It also explains how we would believe the only obvious but would not believe something that is not there. "Would he not be certain to have his eyes full of darkness?" Plato states that once a human have enlighten the new knowledge of the world, it is difficult to see the same as everyone. They are CONCEIVE to what everyone already knows but are not open minded to see the different way of life.
The prisoners live in the darkness but doesn't really portray the reason to not understanding what the freed prisoner has to say. If I were in the cave I would normally be the one not wanting to know something that is beyond my expectation. On my friend's birthday her mom cooked food that I normally don't eat. I don't ASCEND out of my comfort zone because of my narrow minded and I don't try it. I felt remorse after that situation but it shows that some people don’t go beyond of what they already have know.
In this passage it shows that few are tolerant to learning new things but some are more likely not to believe the truth. Like the prisoners, they do not try to ATTAIN and listen to the freed prisoner but tries to warn him about things he should only know. It shows that people don't want to extend their knowledge but block out the truth because it might be the things that they might not want to know.

What are the similarities and differences between The Truman Show and Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave"?

            The Truman show and “The Allegory of the Cave” is an example of what human’s sees is the only truth they know. In allegory of the cave, Plato inquires the reader to imagine humans chained in a cave all their life facing a blank wall. Behind them is a fire that casts shadows on the wall. Between the prisoners and the fire is a path on which people are carrying various object in different shapes which cast shadows on the wall. The prisoners can only see the shadows which are the only truth they know. Plato then question what would happen if one of the prisoners were to be set free. He assumes that a freed prisoner would be amazed and confused of what he sees. Plato also believes that the prisoner that was set free would come back to the cave in astonish and explain in details of what he had seen. Plato supposes that the prisoners would not want to hear or believe what the freed prisoner had said because of the things that they had never seen and believed in what they only saw.

The Truman Show is a life of about Truman Burbank, who has grown up, and lives in a fake town full of actors. The town is enclosed in a giant show set with replication of the world. Truman alone has no idea that he is being filmed. But into this fake place there predictably appears a turn. After the crew makes mistakes that cause the illusion to break down, Truman figures out that his surroundings by full of staged scenes and events. He then tries to break free, only to come up against both his own fears, which keep him from leaving but ends up escaping.
            The prisoners and Truman were completely in the dark without knowing the truth of what was happening outside of where they were. The prisoners only see what is in facing them but doesn’t concern of what is outside of the cave. When one of the prisoner saw beyond the cave, the other prisoners became disclosed to his thoughts because they were frighten of what the reality actually is. Truman lived all his life not realizing beyond of what he saw but when he comes up to evading and leaving the set he rethinks and worries of what is going to be outside the set. While Truman discovers that he wanted to be set free, the prisoners become narrow minded and informs the freed prisoner not to know more than he suppose to.

Allegory Of The Cave

In Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" Socrates explains how the prisoners in the cave were tied down and could only see what is in front of them.One of the prisoner were set free and sees the light outside the cave. He was so amazed, he went back to the cave to tell the prisoners about what he saw. They were in disbelieved and he was put into exile.

The author uses the prisoners as a symbolism of the human in our socitey. He explains how in nature, humans were not taught beyond the knowledge because of human's narrow minded . "Would he not be certain to have his eyes full of darkness?" Socrates states that once a human have enlighten the new knowledge of the world, it is difficult to see the same as everyone. They are conceive to what everyone already knows but are not open minded to see the different way of life.

Many people live in the darkness but doesnt really portray the real reason to not knowing. If I were in the cave I would normally be the one not wanting to know more than I am suppose to learn. On my friend's birthday her mom cooked food that I normally dont eat. I dont ascend out of my comfort zone due to my narrow minded and I dont try it.

In this passage it shows that not everyone are tolerant to learning new things but just try to understand what they are suppose too. Like the prisoners, they do not try to attain and listen to Socrates but tries to warn him about things he should only know. Socrates does risk his live into know more because by knowing more, it uses new techniques of thinking.

Things I need to remember when I write a summary

  • I need to use the author's name in my summary.
  • I need to write the summary of the passage in the beginning of my paragraph to show the readers that i understand what the story is about.
  • Giving examples when and using evidence to support the main idea

What I need to do to pass catw?

There are many ways to pass the catw. What I need to do to pass catw is to build my vocabulary. I also need to understand what the author is stating and the main idea of the reading. My essays are not usually organized. I need to learn to make an outline and think about what I should write. Following the direction and answering all the direction would be the other reason to pass catw. One of the main thing to pass the catw is summarizing what the author is stating.


               Advertisement are grown rapidly throughout the history. It becomes more toxic to human's mind. North America has about 12 billion ads displayed and more than 200,000 tv commercials. Ads can cause many disagreement and controversy. Ads are all over the place, such as, the bus, the train, building and etc. Advertisement is mostly about selling products. Many brand name such as apple, nike, tarte and many more, cause people to want things that are not neccessary. It can changes the way people see and think.
             The author of "Hype" stated "I often used to hear Beethoven"s ninth symphony play in my head. Now I hear kids singing the Oscar Meyer wiener song." This is a perfect example of how an ad can be toxic to the people. Many ads may spoil the minds of a kid or an adult but it can also show that ads can be a big influence on us. The ads can be either postive or it can distruct our minds. Ads grow each year and it changes our society in many different ways.
             "You fill your car gas, and there's an ad on the nozzle." This quote shows that ad are nearly placed everywhere. People sometimes wonder how ads can be intoxicant to a human and does not see the problem but it does changes the fact that almost every where a person go, there is an ad. Ads are being more creative and using songs or movement to sell products. The author uses " Hype" to state the real issue of advertisment. He points out details that is usually used every days of our lives.
             I went with my friend to manhattan, sometime around 7am. There was something "important" she needed to get. I followed her to the apple store. The line was forming throughout the street. She had told me that the newest verison of phone had finally came out today. She had recently seen the ad on the newspaper and marked her calender the day it came out. I realize that ads are placed everywhere, weather it is something that is neccessary or weather it is something that isn't useful.
           People may get what the want from the ads they see, oppose to someone who doesn't have any income, pushes them to desire products that aren't neccessary. Ads are toxic to people whodoesnt have money or are not able to afford it. Instead of people buying neccessity, they invest on a products that is worth a lot of money. The author of  'Hype" is stating that we are making young kids think that having certain brand name products will make a difference and it can be toxic to their minds.