Advertisement are grown rapidly throughout the history. It becomes more toxic to human's mind. North America has about 12 billion ads displayed and more than 200,000 tv commercials. Ads can cause many disagreement and controversy. Ads are all over the place, such as, the bus, the train, building and etc. Advertisement is mostly about selling products. Many brand name such as apple, nike, tarte and many more, cause people to want things that are not neccessary. It can changes the way people see and think.
The author of "Hype" stated "I often used to hear Beethoven"s ninth symphony play in my head. Now I hear kids singing the Oscar Meyer wiener song." This is a perfect example of how an ad can be toxic to the people. Many ads may spoil the minds of a kid or an adult but it can also show that ads can be a big influence on us. The ads can be either postive or it can distruct our minds. Ads grow each year and it changes our society in many different ways.
"You fill your car gas, and there's an ad on the nozzle." This quote shows that ad are nearly placed everywhere. People sometimes wonder how ads can be intoxicant to a human and does not see the problem but it does changes the fact that almost every where a person go, there is an ad. Ads are being more creative and using songs or movement to sell products. The author uses " Hype" to state the real issue of advertisment. He points out details that is usually used every days of our lives.
I went with my friend to manhattan, sometime around 7am. There was something "important" she needed to get. I followed her to the apple store. The line was forming throughout the street. She had told me that the newest verison of phone had finally came out today. She had recently seen the ad on the newspaper and marked her calender the day it came out. I realize that ads are placed everywhere, weather it is something that is neccessary or weather it is something that isn't useful.
People may get what the want from the ads they see, oppose to someone who doesn't have any income, pushes them to desire products that aren't neccessary. Ads are toxic to people whodoesnt have money or are not able to afford it. Instead of people buying neccessity, they invest on a products that is worth a lot of money. The author of 'Hype" is stating that we are making young kids think that having certain brand name products will make a difference and it can be toxic to their minds.