The Meatrix show the problem in our society of how the products we use are not really from the farm. Products such as eggs, milks, meats and other products from animal are produce in factories. To keep the animals in the farm healthy they should be fed with grass, corn, soy or other plants but the animals are not fed with those food. The animals are fed with other death animals, blood, manure, other animal waste, plastics, antibiotics or unhealthy amounts of grain. This affect us because it can make us sick and cause unknown dieseases.
The Meatrix Revolting shows how they are coming up with new ways to make the products safely by creating organic products. Antibiotic is an immune that helps the humans body fight bacteria or virus. Anitbiotic is used on animals which makes them grow faster and put more weight on the animals which increasees profit. Cows are injected with artificial hormones, fed large amount of grains and left in an artificial sunlight to produce large amount of milk. Mad cow diseases is an illiness that affect cow's nervouse system, causing the cows to at strangely and lose control .If a person eats mad cow disease beef, the person is at a higher risk for getting a human form of the disease called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
The Meatrix II 1/2 explains ways to get involve and help stop the spread of unhealthy food products. The main goals of the industrial farm is to make more profit without caring about the hazardous working conditions. The manure of the death animals usually falls on the meat that will be packaged. Many family farm business are forced out of business causing to create more unhealthy farms. Ways to help the family farm is to donate to farm aid or purchase food directly from the local family farmer at farmers market.