What are the similarities and differences between The Truman Show and Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave"?

            The Truman show and “The Allegory of the Cave” is an example of what human’s sees is the only truth they know. In allegory of the cave, Plato inquires the reader to imagine humans chained in a cave all their life facing a blank wall. Behind them is a fire that casts shadows on the wall. Between the prisoners and the fire is a path on which people are carrying various object in different shapes which cast shadows on the wall. The prisoners can only see the shadows which are the only truth they know. Plato then question what would happen if one of the prisoners were to be set free. He assumes that a freed prisoner would be amazed and confused of what he sees. Plato also believes that the prisoner that was set free would come back to the cave in astonish and explain in details of what he had seen. Plato supposes that the prisoners would not want to hear or believe what the freed prisoner had said because of the things that they had never seen and believed in what they only saw.

The Truman Show is a life of about Truman Burbank, who has grown up, and lives in a fake town full of actors. The town is enclosed in a giant show set with replication of the world. Truman alone has no idea that he is being filmed. But into this fake place there predictably appears a turn. After the crew makes mistakes that cause the illusion to break down, Truman figures out that his surroundings by full of staged scenes and events. He then tries to break free, only to come up against both his own fears, which keep him from leaving but ends up escaping.
            The prisoners and Truman were completely in the dark without knowing the truth of what was happening outside of where they were. The prisoners only see what is in facing them but doesn’t concern of what is outside of the cave. When one of the prisoner saw beyond the cave, the other prisoners became disclosed to his thoughts because they were frighten of what the reality actually is. Truman lived all his life not realizing beyond of what he saw but when he comes up to evading and leaving the set he rethinks and worries of what is going to be outside the set. While Truman discovers that he wanted to be set free, the prisoners become narrow minded and informs the freed prisoner not to know more than he suppose to.