Life Artifacts

     Tv impacts people lifes both physically and mentally. This seperates use from what we see outside the television. Television programs are always coming up with new way to lure people into watching their show. Whether the stunt on the movie or watching something demeaning are fake, childern catch on to those actions. Some childern see characters as their role model and uses that to become something bad or something that is great. Some people are obeist because the fact that they either tend to watch tv more often that going outside to get exercise. Tv does affect the life of people being that they dont get enough exercise or socialize with other people. This stops people from getting things done such as homework, chores, or work.

      Tabloids are seen everywhere around and uses that to show our society what is great and how people are suppose to look. This brings people into thinking that what they have is not great. Tabloid can affect people in many ways such as health, clothing and lifestyle. People use dangerous diets in order to feel better about themself. Some uses as their goal while other it can harm their health. Many people buy things that we normally don't need inorder to feel like they fit in. Sometimes it does not define who we are as a person. Tabloids uses conflicts in our society to characterize what we need to know about lifestyle.
Social Networking
     Social networking is being used constantly and has people using it everywhere to get in touch with each other. Whether it is for people that normally see each other or people are in another part of the world , this separate us from physical interacting. People had either got out of jail from proving not guilty by social networking or had end in tragic by cyber bullying. People constantly go on websites to update what they do on their daily bases.  Social networking are used to contact people all over the world and making this the easiest way to socialize with others. Such as Rodney Bradford who was proven not guilty when they found out that the same time the crime was committed was the same time Bradford has updated his statues on facebook or Tyler Clementi who had committed suicide after his roommate had secretly video him and twit about Clementi's sexuality. Social networking differs people from physical interacting because people are more caution when they interact physically.